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Fabulous Animals 

Devised by Zosia Jo                                     May 2023

If you were an animal what would you be? 


Animals are wild, they follow their instincts. They don’t care how they look or what we think of them. They attend to their own needs and the needs of their pack, flock, tribe and habitat. 

Fabulous Animals is a bold dance theatre performance taking us back to the wild ​

Pe byddech chi’n anifail beth fyddech chi?


Mae anifeiliaid yn wyllt, yn dilyn eu greddf. Does dim ots ganddyn nhw am y ffordd maen nhw’n edrych na chwaith beth rydyn ni’n ei feddwl ohonyn nhw. Maen nhw’n edrych ar ôl eu hanghenion eu hunain ac anghenion eu haid, eu praidd, eu llwyth a’u cynefin.

Mae Fabulous Animals yn berfformiad theatr ddawns beiddgar sy’n mynd â ni yn ôl i natur

Created and Performed at Chapter Arts in Cardiff

Toured at the following venues through July and August: 

Blackwood Miners (Outdoor show at Park Cwm Darren) 

DanceBlast, Abergavveny 

Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth 

Torch Theatre, Milford Haven 

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